Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #9

Tut, was es soll

5 star rating

Das Programm ist sehr übersichtlich und gut. Ich benutze es, um reihenweise meine MP3s zu taggen und dementsprechend auch die Dateien umzubenennen . Ob oder wie man hingegen umgekehrt die MP3s anhand der Dateinamen taggen könnte, habe ich leider jedoch noch nicht herausgefunden. Man kann auch in der Ansicht einstellen, auf welche Spalten-Kriterien man wert legt. Ich für meinen Teil überschaue z.B. gerne, ob die Titel die gleiche Bitrate haben; die Abtastrate wäre als Anzeige noch wünschenswert. Wünschneswert wäre zudem eine Nutzung im Dark-Mode, da das Programm in Weiß doch schon sehr blendet. Alles in allem eine sehr solides Programm.

By Phaellizz on Apr 24, 2021, Germany

Amazing for Music

5 star rating

Really easy to replace file name with Meta Data tags. My file names were some long numbers while Itunes recognized them by artist, song title, album, etc. This app made it Soooo easy to transfer the song info to the file name with one click!

By _M1$T/-\ m3 to0_ on Apr 22, 2021, USA

Super Tool

5 star rating

Habe vorher mit eigenen Scripts gearbeitet. Dieses Tool ist einfach perfekt, um seine Audiosammlung perfekt zu verwalten

By Orush on Apr 18, 2021, Germany

Great Tagging Software!

5 star rating

I love everything about it. The only thing I would change would be to have an option to list "Track #'s" as "1 of 10", "2 of 10", etc. as opposed to just "1, 2, 3, etc.".

By DoBro80 on Apr 09, 2021, USA

Pratica veloce

5 star rating

Sono un appassionato di musica, e amo avere le mie librerie sempre ben organizzate, grazie a questo piccolo e semplice programma, sono riuscito a sistemare i miei vecchi cd e vinili. La amo!!!

By AedanBarbato on Apr 03, 2021, Italy

Simply Awesome!

5 star rating

Basically this is Excell like editing where you can edit multiple cells at once. NO OTHER tag editor can compare, period! NEED a Windows version, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!

By renedjenkins on Mar 31, 2021, USA

Great App!

5 star rating

It does exactly what it says and thats what i need! To those who say the developer is being deceptive with saying its free; it says beside GET "Offers In-App Purchases" then you are the blind sheep!

By Wynton Montgomery on Mar 02, 2021, USA

The accolades are all true

5 star rating

This will be the last tag editor I ever use. Yes, it's just that good. I especially like the file renamer feature. If you have a huge digital music collection, this app will be your new best friend.

By WillCate1960 on Feb 14, 2021, USA

Best music file tagging app !!!

5 star rating

I have been using this app for several years and it is perfect. I really mean this and have tested several. I have a big music collection which I have now on my hard disk. Correct tagging is essential to be able to find all songs and music. THIS IS THE ONLY APP YOU NEED TO TAG YOUR MUSIC FILES!!

By PKDE on Feb 02, 2021, Sweden

Music file tagging at ease

5 star rating

This app makes file tagging easier. As well as file untagging. It is customisable, and it can change the file names from within the app. Very useful for when file names really are off (like when you encounter Songs Spelled Like This In Languages Other Than English).

By PAJA63 on Jan 27, 2021, Sweden

Easy to use

5 star rating

It's a very good tag editor, and very easy to use. If you use this app first time, make it as wide as possible. Sometimes I forgot to set the 'Album Artist', because it wasn't visible :D

By JackOoohLantern on Jan 18, 2021, Hungary


Automatic tagging on Mac

Manual tagging on Mac

Artwork Management

Automatic loading of tags

Tag Editor basics

Supported Formats

Music organizing on Mac

Frequently Asked Questions