Customer Reviews of Tag Editor

great exactly what i was looking for and its free unlike other ad ridden paywalled apps on here
By tristandior on Mar 05, 2025, Canada
works perfectly.

Easy to use and can edit all metadata of the files.
By lucid sleeping on Mar 02, 2025, India
정말 훌륭한 라이트 버전

웹검색을 통한 자동화 기능만 유료이고 나머지는 모두 무료로 제공하고 있습니다. 같은 회사에 출시 MP3 Converter도 무료로 이용하고 있는데 정말 감사드립니다. ^^
By 겸실용이 on Feb 27, 2025, Korea, Republic Of
Excelente para Djs

La uso para organizar mi musica y es una joya que debieran de tener todos
By Zaher Dj on Feb 12, 2025, Mexico
Really good but it’s not free!

It does the job really well, but it stopped working after very few uses. No information about trial.
By Natalia Eriksson on Feb 09, 2025, Norway
WOULD BUY, Won’t Subscribe

I find the program is great, and I would like to upgrade to the paid version for additional features but I UTTERLY REFUSE to subscribe to a program! The pernicious creep of the subscription model must be fought at ALL COSTS! I would BUY the program for $50 before I would pay $35 for a 3 yr subscription! I have a program (never upgraded) I still use that is 13 YEARS OLD. Imagine what I’d have paid in subscription costs! And what happens if the publisher goes out of business? Your software stops working! No! Nein! Non! Nyet !
By bethany169 on Feb 08, 2025, USA
It's really well made

Tag Editor is exactly the program I've been looking for because it does almost everything I need. However, I hope it's being maintained a little better now, as it seems to have been stagnant for about 8 years. Tag Editor is super easy to use and very intuitive, however, I miss the ability to mass select single standing columns (multi select) and not just continuous selections in the table, but otherwise I think it is an incredibly good program with lots of potential. And no data collected, what not to like ! :)
By spidnix on Jan 14, 2025, Denmark
Essential to my job

I work in audiobook production and Tag Editor makes it a breeze to edit the metadata. Really wish it was one flat purchase instead of a subscription but otherwise very satisfied.
By chrisbaue238 on Jan 06, 2025, USA
Took’em awhile…

I use MacUpdater to track updates and well… this is another excellent app where the MAS version trails the “outside” version. I’m happy they updated it, it’s one of those “I don’t use this often, but when I need it I need it” apps. Recommended if you need to edit music files in bulk.
By Leo of BORG on Nov 27, 2024, USA
Very Easy To Use

Compared to iTunes, this program is so much easier to edit your music. For example, after you edit a file, the line in the spreadsheet turns gray. This is just one of the great features in this program.
By Madrattler on Nov 19, 2024, USA
Easy to use, clean interface. And it works !

I have used several tag editors over the years … and this is the one that I have kept the longest. It works the best and is easiest to use of any I have used. Thanks for a super app!
By iChazAjo on Nov 16, 2024, USA