Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #29

Worked for what I needed

5 star rating

I had a bunch of songs that had all lowercast information in the tags(song titles, artist, album). I wanted them to all be cuppercase and this application make that super simple. I didn’t have to load individual tracks either. Just gave it a top level directory that had a sub directory for each album and boom, it loaded them all up. Then it was 2 clicks to pick my action. Then it lets you see a preview before you save the changes.

By Daytonlowell on Sep 22, 2014, USA


5 star rating

Замечательное приложение! При всей своей простоте интерфейса - фукционально, и что самое важное - за короткое время позволяет сделать НАМНОГО больше чем аналоги. Скорость работы впечатляет. Автору огромное спасибо!

By Shestopal on Sep 22, 2014, USA


Automatic tagging on Mac

Manual tagging on Mac

Artwork Management

Automatic loading of tags

Tag Editor basics

Supported Formats

Music organizing on Mac

Frequently Asked Questions