Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #19
Perfekt für das Taggen von Musikdateien
Für mich die perfekte App für das Taggen meiner Musikdateien. Ich kaufe Musik von verschiedenen Anbietern, u.a. Qobuz, HDTracks, Amazon, Apple. Die App hilft mir dabei (in Kombination mit "Renamer") die Tags und Dateinamen einheitlich/konform zu halten, damit ich den Ãberblick in meiner Musiksammlung nicht verliere. Mit der Version 1.0.9 vermisse ich nun keine Tagtypen mehr. Die App funktioniert tadellos, keine Abstürze, einfach und schnell zu bedienen, Top!
By Michael Skerwiderski on Aug 21, 2018, Germany
ein guter mp3-tagger für den mac
es war sehr schwieirig im netz eine freeware für den mac zu finden, die alle mp3-inhalte samt cover taggen kann. daher entschied ich mich nach dem testen der free-version für die vollversion. die eingabe in den mp3-listen funktioniert per cut-&-paste sehr gut. auch cover lassen sich problemlos integrieren. schnelle eingabe der tag-inhalte und dementsprechende umbenennung der dateien möglich. super finde ich auch dass bei tracks von 1-9 eine 0 davor gesetzt wird, und überflüssige leerzeichen wegfallen. dafür vergebe ich 4 schonmal sterne. begründung für 1 stern abzug (würde mir die optimierung in einem update wünschen): - beim überschreiben des myßnôÓM4
By Phaellis on Jul 28, 2018, Germany
It just takes time but works well
I actually had to mess around to figure it out but it works as promised. I had a bunch of music downloaded without the proper tags and everytime I change computers or something happens during an upgrade I would have to redo everything in itunes. I figured it would be better to properly tag the files for once. It is time consuming to get the correct info on each song and then load into itunes but well worth it. I haven’t seen one pop up as everybody notes. Guess I am lucky.
By GT4Guy on Jul 25, 2018, USA
App has saved me hours of tedious work
Having copy and paste functionality from a spreadsheet has saved me countless hours of tagging. Well worth it for that alone! I haven't used much of the other features, but the basics as a tag editor, it works as expected.
By Waz5Oh on Jul 19, 2018, USA
So muss Software sein
Wer Tags schnell und unkompliziert bearbeiten möchte ist bei dieser App genau richtig. Intuitiv einfach zu bedienen, schnell und zuverlässig. Ich habe erst die kostenlose Version eine Weile getestet und dann gerne gekauft, weil die Qualität stimmt. Ich bearbeite damit Tags für meine iTunes-Sammlung (Mobile Musik für Unterwegs) als auch für meine Musikbibliothek auf einem NAS, in der die Masse der Dateien im Flag-Format abgelegt sind.
By BernieNRW on Jun 23, 2018, Germany
Perfect for my needs
I recently became an all Mac girl so had to find substitutes for my wondows software. I used Mp3tag which I loved and after much serching I found this. Is simple, I can easily edit my podcast episodes and add all the info I need. Works great!
By Pinkstyy on Jun 19, 2018, UK
Clean and solid
I often use this app - therefor I like the feature of Search&Replace (restricted to selected area) and be able to remove the encoding-tag, which many other apps do not provide. However, despite their lack of updates (like their 30% discount for 24h which is up for months or even years now) - and the outdated app-images I fear, that this app will run out of stability and integration in the near future. As a feature-‘request’: I’d like to have a Search&Replace function, which supports RegEx - now i have to replace each digit separate and often run into trouble.
By Thriem on Jun 02, 2018, Austria
Does what it’s supposed to.
I’m not sure on what basis the criticism is coming in. I use this with my backing tracks ands a result, have been able to access some lyrics which were otherwise unavailable. Replacing the artwork is a nice touch too. Someone reffered to “One Foul Swoop” - a total malapropism. Should be “fell swoop” - the rapid plunge of a bird of prey.
By Pafos ArtesIan on May 28, 2018, UK
Questo programma è proprio strepitoso!!! In pochi secondi ho rinominato decine di file aggiungendo il numero di traccia, ho individuato immediatamente file con errori o con tag incompleti come l’id-traccia mancante… L’idea di avere tutte le informazioni visibili come in un foglio elettronico è stata grandiosa e si è rivelata estremamente pratica per le modifiche da fare ai file.
By ganapiolo on May 02, 2018, Italy
It is not free even if it is advertised as well, since after using a few traces it is no longer possible to use it without paying for it. so I did not use it initially. Then I bought it together with To Flac converter and I was amazed. it works very well find out the titles and the covers of the tracks even less known are fully satisfied.
By faber 95 on Apr 19, 2018, Italy
This is the one you want
Does everything it is supposed to do, and works right the first time. Best MacOS alternative to Tag & Rename, and I actually like it a little better. UI is cleaner.
By Detractus on Apr 15, 2018, USA