Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #2
Worth it, just buy it

I wasted days of my life trying out all kinds of substitutes for mp3 tag management on macOS becuase I didn't want to pay. I wanted a simple free app. But every free app I tried was either insanely complex or could only edit one song at a time. I tried using Tag Editor Lite as long as I could but kept getting frustrated by the nagging purchase reminder. Finally I lost my temper and just paid the darn $30 for the full version. And seriously, I am breathing easier and my heartrate is down. Don't waste more time and stress. They did the heavy work already. All you have to do is buy it. Stop going back and forth. Just do it already. Even if you use it just once a month or something, it's great to have a solid and constantly updated utility like this in your toolbelt.
By MarcusPyo on Sep 19, 2024, USA
Simple Bulk Tag Editor

Personally, I very much like the spreadsheet-style interface of this tag editor. Needed a new solution after moving to Mac machines, and Tag Editor was what I finally landed on. Workflow is smooth, and can dramatically increase efficiency when editing large or small batches.
By la;skdjfs on Sep 18, 2024, USA

Parfait, surtout pour renomer les tags tels que numéro de piste (track) car quand on importe plusieurs CD, la numérotation repart à 1 à chaque fois alors que pour conserver l'ordre de lecture il est préférable d'incrémenter toujours sans revenir à 1. De ce fait, Tag Editor Lite m'a beaucoup aidé et fait gagner un temps précieux. Merci !!
By Guileukow on Sep 07, 2024, France
Works great!

Did exactly what I wanted. Very easy and intuitive to use. My only complaint is that another tag editor messed up my files. Now the album always loads out of order. I was hoping this tag editor could fix the order but I don't see a way to edit the track number order.
By Hearts&Thoughts on Aug 27, 2024, USA
all around great

all around great, it has some limitations for the more odd stuff like chapters in audiobooks or how technically genres are an array rather than just a single text object (which isn't actually used by basically anything so this doesn't super matter in any case) but it is fast, effective and easy to use
By user268172 on Aug 06, 2024, USA
Steep in Price, but Good

The free version only being able to save 3 files @a time is aggravating when you have hundreds of tags to change. Still, methinks $29.99 is a bit pricey for what it does, but it does it very well.
By Pithy Username Here on Jul 21, 2024, USA
Love Tag Editor!!

After iTunes on the Mac went away I coudn't figure out how to get the Apple Music app to do anything and didn't care to try. This is my second year paying for Tag Editor. I love seeing my entire music libary in a "spreadsheet" type layout. You can copy and paste album cover images into the Artwork field, add lyrics, update any fields in a music file, save and it updates the music files in your iTunes folder. In Settings, General uncheck 'Autosize Columns After Loading or Saving" so it keeps column width as you want rather than resizing to the (too wide) default. Excellent, Thank you!!
By Marcello_Cristiani on Jun 29, 2024, USA

It does everything better than the other metadata editors I've tried in the App Store. It's cumbersome that Track Order isn't a default column, you have to go to View / Column to turn it on. Also, it's $3.99/month.
By ykt28403 on Jun 25, 2024, USA
Perfect for its given task.

Works like one expects a Mac app to work. Sick of all these Java apps that look awful and have terrible UI. Tag Editor Lite is a one trick pony to a certain degree, but performs perfectly. If you want to change Metadata for one audio file or hundreds it's brilliant. I even turned over cold hard cash,,,
By Les Hall on Jun 20, 2024, USA
Highly Recommend

Very intutive. Locate files or folder and it pulls in all of the files and you can edit what you want like using a spreadsheet, hit save and it writes all of the changes to the files. Exactly what I needed!
By seniorSOY on May 10, 2024, USA

It does exactly what it says in the description. 100% would purchase again. This has saved iTunes library and brought new life to my dusty horde of CDs. I would like to buy the team behind this wonderful piece of software an ice cream/cookie party.
By 𝚓𝚘𝚎[𝚠] on May 07, 2024, USA