Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #26

so far so good!

5 star rating

does mostly what I need it to, and could figure out how to use it pretty quickly. the only thing I’d change (so far) is to be able to move the fields around on the rename. for example, you can put the track number in the filename, but it’s always first. I have artist - album - track - song title so that all of the files are in my OCD “correct” order instead of all of the 1st tracks at the top of the folder, then all of the 2nd tracks, and so on.

By The Notorious t.i.g on Dec 14, 2015, USA

Just what I expected

5 star rating

This what I was looking for and I found it! It allow you to edit info of mp3 songs like text sheet Awesome and simple!!!! Love IT!!!

By Shoshoi on Oct 29, 2015, USA

Good app but needs improvement

4 star rating

This does look like a good app. If you look at the screen shot above, you can see the artwork is squashed, making it hard to see. This is annoying. Also when you do the iniatial scan, it gets the first bit of artwork it can find for a track, so on an album like Abba Greatest Hits, every track has a different bit of artwork. The artwork should be consistent for the whole album. Maybe it it finds multiple artwork, then it should ask which to pick for the album. Generally pretty good.

By Vaujanolo on Oct 07, 2015, UK

Klasse Software

5 star rating

Für schlappe 15 Euro Jahreslizenz spart man sich Arbeit ohne Ende. Für Leute,die sich aus der Abhängigkeit von iTunes befreien wollen ein unbedingtes Muss!!!!!! Ich besitze weit über tausend Alben im Flac-,bzw. Waveformat und kann jetzt Softwareplayer (Audirvana,VOX) einsetzen,welche sich an den Tag Daten meiner Konfiguration orientieren. Für mich DIE Software der letzten zwei Jahre.

By heiko146 on Oct 02, 2015, Germany

Spreadsheet format +++

5 star rating

The spreadsheet format worked great for me. I have a folder of 500 podcast episodes and this let me quickly, easily, visually make sure all the tags were homogenous.

By dangermouse43 on Sep 09, 2015, USA

Fairly complete feature set

4 star rating

Easy to use. Offers nice editing features. I used an editor which was available a afew years ago, and which allowed the user to write an editing script in a real-basic type language, which included regular expression find and replace. It is not supported on Macs with the intel processor, so it is history. I still haven’t found anything even close to its capabilities. Tag Editor does enough to keep me happy, but I’d love to see them add the scripting and regular expression support.

By My newest account on Aug 23, 2015, USA

Love it. Works as advertised.

5 star rating

Just purchased. Out of the box this works as advertised, saving me hours of work. I just have to figure out how to fix those invalid tag errors. Since Apple is dictating your every move these days (Thou shall not edit information!), this app is well worth the cost. :)

By playasdelCaribe on Aug 17, 2015, USA

How great it is !

4 star rating

I used to use so many applications for MP3 tag editor but no one of them can edit, change or replace text in the same columm at the same time. For an example: The coluumm “Artist” 100 lines can be replaced the name of the artist in a second. that’s great ! I try to find an app like this in Windows, but I haven’t seen it. Again I love this app !

By HotFrost on Aug 13, 2015, Thailand


5 star rating

Reminds me of excel in all the right ways. So good for cleaning up bulk music files with the correct tags and art. As a musician I’d say it’s worth the $20 if you need to update tages much at all.

By TYRmusic on Aug 10, 2015, USA

Bueno pero de suscripcion

4 star rating

Despues de salvar algunos tags pide pagar por una suscripcion mensual o anual (?). Hay alternativas gratuitas y mejores. Sera mejor si se pudiera tal vez comprar el programa y listo.

By blackpearlwhiteoceans on Aug 01, 2015, Spain


5 star rating


By DJ MANNY PERRY on Jul 31, 2015, USA


Automatic tagging on Mac

Manual tagging on Mac

Artwork Management

Automatic loading of tags

Tag Editor basics

Supported Formats

Music organizing on Mac

Frequently Asked Questions