Customer Reviews of Tag Editor - Page #28


4 star rating

ハイレゾ音源はアルファベット名、カタカナ名が混在しているため、ダウンロードしたままではライブラリが無秩序になる。そこでタグを編集できるアプリが必要になる。 ところが、Winに比べMacではハイレゾ音源のタグを編集できるアプリが極端に少ない。 より高価なものもあるが、本アプリは必要十分な編集ができる。フォルダー毎に編集できるのも良い。 今後の課題は、 1)動作の安定性の向上 2)操作性の向上(現状ではデータをまとめたままで編集ができない) より良いアプリに成長することを׍4

By keny1948 on Feb 14, 2015, Japan

Schnell, leistungsfähig und stabil

5 star rating

Das Programm ist für die Massenbearbeitung von MP3-Dateien hervorragend geeignet. Es ist nicht ganz billig, ist aber meines Erachtens jeden Cent des Verkaufspreises wert. Bis jetzt habe ich noch keine Funktion vermisst.

By Thomas Holte on Jan 06, 2015, Germany

Exactly what I was looking for

5 star rating

As I was setting up a website to post several years worth of recording clips I’d made, I needed a tool to rapidly change the metadata on hundreds of MP3s. This program was exactly what I needed. With it’s spreadsheet-style layout and it’s copy-paste features, it’s very easy to apply the same metadata across hundreds of files in a flash. Very simple, very easy to use, I was adjusting my MP3 files in seconds.

By Wolfstone16 on Jan 03, 2015, USA


4 star rating

エクセル風のインターフェイスで一度にたくさんのタグを変更できて便利です。 機能としてはWindowsのSuperTagEditorに近いですが、こちらは画像埋め込みにも対応しています。 Macで使えるタグエディタを色々試してこれにたどり着きました。 これにファイル名やTrackIDの連番付加機能があれば完璧なのですが、それは今後に期待します。

By missylegacy on Dec 06, 2014, Japan

Really great, works perfect !

5 star rating

Stosunkowo prosty i przejrzysty program, który znakomicie spełnia swoją funkcję. Pozwala edytować nie tylko TAGi jednego pliku ale umożliwia porządkowanie całych albumów i bibliotek. Bardzo przemyślana budowa, klarowny podgląd listy… dla mnie po prostu super. Autor jest otwarty na sugestie, rozwija program w bardzo dobrym kierunku. Relatively simple and transparent program that perfectly fulfills its function. Allows you to edit not only the TAG of one file but allows you to organize entire albums and libraries. Very sophisticated design, a clear list view ... for me just great. The author is open to suggestions, developing a program in the right direction.

By Shadoczek on Oct 10, 2014, Poland

Works as expected.

5 star rating

Excellent interface. Great utilities. Only complaint is I wish there was an option to fill in the track numbers in a series automatically. Amazing otherwise!

By Berzurk5512 on Oct 07, 2014, USA

Did exactly what I needed

5 star rating

I like this style of application—no frills, just does exactly what you need it to without complaining or errors. It’s powerful and quick, and it doesn’t have more features packed in than it needs to. Highly recommended.

By Proxied on Sep 25, 2014, USA

Worked for what I needed

5 star rating

I had a bunch of songs that had all lowercast information in the tags(song titles, artist, album). I wanted them to all be cuppercase and this application make that super simple. I didn’t have to load individual tracks either. Just gave it a top level directory that had a sub directory for each album and boom, it loaded them all up. Then it was 2 clicks to pick my action. Then it lets you see a preview before you save the changes.

By Daytonlowell on Sep 22, 2014, USA


5 star rating

Замечательное приложение! При всей своей простоте интерфейса - фукционально, и что самое важное - за короткое время позволяет сделать НАМНОГО больше чем аналоги. Скорость работы впечатляет. Автору огромное спасибо!

By Shestopal on Sep 22, 2014, USA


Automatic tagging on Mac

Manual tagging on Mac

Artwork Management

Automatic loading of tags

Tag Editor basics

Supported Formats

Music organizing on Mac

Frequently Asked Questions