Customer Reviews of To MP3 Converter - Page #10
Klasse App, die macht was sie soll

Hab lang nach ner brauchbaren, leicht zu handhabenden Konverter-App gesucht, und diese, ist genau das Richtige. Drag and Drop, klick konvertieren, und fertig. Was soll ich sagen, einfach perfektâ¦. :-))
By Rusty Busty on Jun 30, 2020, Germany
Excellent batch processer w LUF-ing!

I was very happy to find this app. I manage several libarries for podcasts and website audio content and often have the need for a powerful batch processor for conversions. Appe Compressor choked on the list of 150 + sorted length wav files that I neededt to turn to mp3. This app works great to quickly process and sweeten my source files into mp3. I threw it a list of 150 sorted length wavs and it did the rick flawlessly! Great features for tagging as wel. Loved the-18db Lluffing process on many of my spoken word files. excellent feature that is hard to come by and is the golden rule for podcasting! Thanks for your development! A+++
By Spyral121 on Jun 29, 2020, USA
Wie versprochen

Ich hatte gut zwei Jahre die Free-Version; nach mehreren hundert zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit konvertierten "Bannervideos" ohne je Schwierigkeiten zu haben - gönnte ich den Entwicklern den Preis de rLifetime-Vollversion. Das haben die sich verdient. Finde auch die zahlreichen Einstellungsmöglicheiten einfach zu bedienen - einfach sympathisch!
By Daweed999 on Jun 19, 2020, Germany
Fast & free batch processing

Just took 45 seconds to do 8 mp3s, this is what I was looking for. Looks and works the same as "To Audio Converter Lite", except it also does the batch processing for free. Impressed!
By Teacher_Boy on Jun 10, 2020, UK

Semplice e leggero, mi ha gi stupito perch oltre alle conversioni pi ovvie ho ricavato mp3 da un video e ho convertito in mp3 dei file in formato opus.
By maxgiuliani on Jun 06, 2020, Italy
La app ms prctica que he usado hasta la fecha

La app ms prctica que he usado hasta la fecha para convertir mis audios a mp3, la uso a diario. Increble herramienta gratuita. sin complicaciones, directo al grano.
By leodiazinfo on Jun 01, 2020, Mexico
Does exactly what I need

I produce a daily video podcast in video format and just wanted an easy way to convert it to MP3 to send to the radio station. I was opening the file in an Audio Editor and exporting as MP3, which took a few minutes. Now I just drag the video file to this program and the whole thing takes a few seconds.
By Ryno6124 on May 30, 2020, USA
Cheers mates...

one of those applictions that are written to do just whats needed and is simple in every aspect it applies to. good job from mark to the developers in creating this converter. you did well ... thx
By JulesJames on May 30, 2020, USA
Works Great for What I Needed

Had no trouble with this free version. It would stop to ask me to rate it, but I'd select 'later' and it would seem to bring it back on track. Just needed to convert m4a to mp3 for the Harmonix app for PS4 VR. Did the trick - easy to use!
By LaloLaLa82 on May 29, 2020, USA
MP3 Converter app

This app is fast, effective and easy to understand to use. Just drag and drop and it begins the conversion. Clickk the question mark (?) and a web page gives clears insturctions on how to use the app. It is simple. I am very happy with this app. I have used other apps that convert file types but this one is the easiest one to use. It convert my audio windowns file type to MP3 in a snap so I can listen to them on my new MacBook Pro.
By morethan5minutes on May 25, 2020, USA
MP3 Converter

que maravillosa sopresa me lleve con To MP3 Converter, estoy muy agradecido por que inmediatamente pude usarla, es 100% efectiva, extremadamente amigable y facil de usar. he comprado muchas app y luego me arrepiento pero ya ni mi dinero puedo recuperar. creo que entienden perfectamente a sus clientes y a sus usuarios. muchas gracias
By Velaxquex on May 16, 2020, Mexico