Customer Reviews of To MP3 Converter - Page #24


5 star rating

Superb app, quick and supe simple to use. Would be great to see an addition to the app to be able to delete siurce files though. I’m using this to convert folders of music on a drive for use in the car that won;t play m4as. So I have to conver the folder, then delte the original files. It would be great to haev an option to delete the source files automatically if that’s possible to add? Otherwise this faultless, and WELL worht the money. Great work thank you!

By CREZO on Sep 02, 2017, UK


5 star rating

Excelente! Simples e prtico, ao contrrio de um monte de lixo que tem na App Store que se prope a fazer as converses mas cheios de limitaes. Este App merece 5 estrelas com certeza.

By xfearbiox on Aug 21, 2017, Brazil


5 star rating

The App did what I need to have it done specifically. I have to comment on the support. It was prompt and precise. You can’t ask for more. Thank you.

By BuffTR on Aug 16, 2017, USA


5 star rating

Hatte einige Songs in meiner iTunes Mediathek, die im M4A Format vorlagen (unbrauchbar für mein Auto). Mit iTunes wollte ich es nicht konvertieren, also hab ich dieses Tool genommen und es lief einwandfrei. M4A Dateien direkt aus dem Finder ins Fenster gezogen und die Konvertierung ging sofort los. Hat bei ca. 200 Liedern knapp eine halbe Stunde gedauert.

By EddieDean1981 on Aug 14, 2017, Germany

Crazy, Design well. DJ DeZ5 from Brooklyn

5 star rating

MP3 Converter and Tag Editor, Crazy every DJ in Brookyn Needs to be able to find music quick at a party, These program will keep you Organized. Bigup and One Love

By Dez5 on Aug 05, 2017, USA

does what it says

4 star rating

easier and much quicker than having to use a online convertor for WMA tracks, which I have been doing before downloaded this app,it would be useful if could edit tags\file names before transfering files to itunes .

By Mimi Bim on Jul 21, 2017, UK

Mp3 converter

4 star rating

Program działa Otwierasz piosenke która jest w nieobslugiwanym formacie ,klikasz otwórz w programie i wybierasz ten program . i już masz w mp3 Pozdrawiam

By grzrog on Jul 19, 2017, Poland

Econominza MUITO espao em disco

5 star rating

No sei como consegue converter to rpido e com qualidade. Para mim arquivos com 320kbps ou FLAC so desnecessrios, lotam o HD rapidamente, pois isso este aplicativo to til, deixando-os com menos da metade do tamanho e com qualidade virtualmente igual.

By Toninho M on Jul 08, 2017, Brazil

old teacher

5 star rating

Should I or Shouldn’t I. I hate spending money…. well OK… I did and I have nnow converted HUNDREDS of songs and albums. And I just got this yesterday. I am poping these on a thumb drive and an sd card and that new car of mine is gonna play MY tunes running down the road. This is one of the best apps I have EVER bought. WOWZER!!!

By The old Ras on Jul 06, 2017, USA

So stelle ich mir ein tool vor

5 star rating

Wie wäre es einen Konverter zu haben bei dem ich lediglich aussuche was er alles konvertieren soll, und wohin. "To MP3 Converter" macht das, einfach so. Aus der DOS Welt kommend, muss ich sagen dass ich schockiert bin darüber wievel Zeit ich einst verschwendet habe mit anderen Programmen um Gleichwertiges zu erreichen

By Marc Brandis on Jul 06, 2017, Germany

Veldig nyttig konverteringsprogram

5 star rating

Konvertering fra Apples m4a-format til mp3 gr som en drm med dette programmet. Man blir fort lei av bruke gratis-versjonen siden det tar for lang tid konvertere en fil av gangen. Men nr man frst har invistert i MP3 Converter er det full valuta for pengene. Hele album er unnagjort p maks 1-2 minutter, og sammen med Tag Editor lser dette alle problemer man mtte ha med skifte plattformer for avspilling av musikk.

By Homwercool66 on Jul 01, 2017, Norway