Customer Reviews of To MP3 Converter - Page #24
Free and VERY easy to use

This is brilliant FREE App and so easy to use. I needed to change some WMA files into MP3s. Just drag the file into the window and its converts to MP3 at lightning speed. It then stores them into a new folder and even gives a file pathway for you to follow.
By Maxwell Hound on Oct 02, 2017, UK
App gesucht- App gefunden

Sucht man einen Converter der sich schnell und einfach bedienen lässt, und genau das macht, was man von ihm erwartet, hat man ihn in dieser App gefunden.
By cd374 on Sep 29, 2017, Germany
Einwandfreie Funktion und unkompliziert!

Ich bin absolut zufrieden. Unproblematischer Download, ohne dass die Installation weiterer Programme notwendig geworden wäre. Die Software arbeitet einwandfrei und ist unkompliziert zu bedienen. Ich hatte mehrere .wma Dateien auf dem Computer, die nicht mehr abgespielt werden konnten und wollte sie gerne in .mp3 umwandeln. Hat alles ohne Verluste funktioniert.
By Svenjalan on Sep 20, 2017, Germany
Awesome Product

Fast, easy to use, no learning curve! Does ever I need, converting folders. Tried a few free software & none worked as easily as this paid version. I converted Windows “wma” files without a problem. Absolutely would recommend!
By lee_tai_chi on Sep 16, 2017, USA

Does exactly what it says it does. And fast and well. Perfect for when we lost a phone record app but not old recorded interviews and needed to convert them to listen to them. Worked like a charm!
By aphollywood on Sep 14, 2017, USA
Totally Easy

For the first time for me, Apple support made a recommendation that actually helped me. An easy app to use for someone like me who isn’t very computer literate. It downloaded quickly and converted the audio file I had to a format I was able to listen to.
By Froschfarm on Sep 13, 2017, Australia
Es simplemente una maravilla.

Su interface es tan intuitiva que hasta la puede usar m abuelita. Solo arrastra lo que quieras a la aplicacin sea audio o video y ya. Tambin tienes la obcin de buscar por carpetas. Excelente aplicacin!!
By Mc Frost 88 on Sep 13, 2017, Mexico
mp3음원으로 바꾸기

일반 책에 들어 있던 교육프로그램 CD를 CD기에서 들으려다보니 컴퓨터 외엔 실행이 불가해서 MP3 로 변환하는 프로그램기 없을까 하고 알아보던 중 쉽게 변환해주는 컨버터가 있어서 바로 무료로 깔고 테스트 해 봤는데.. 정말 쉽게 바꿀 수 있어 좋네요. 감사합니다. 잘 쓰겠습니다.
By Ohmycello on Sep 06, 2017, Korea, Republic Of

Superb app, quick and supe simple to use. Would be great to see an addition to the app to be able to delete siurce files though. I’m using this to convert folders of music on a drive for use in the car that won;t play m4as. So I have to conver the folder, then delte the original files. It would be great to haev an option to delete the source files automatically if that’s possible to add? Otherwise this faultless, and WELL worht the money. Great work thank you!
By CREZO on Sep 02, 2017, UK

Excelente! Simples e prtico, ao contrrio de um monte de lixo que tem na App Store que se prope a fazer as converses mas cheios de limitaes. Este App merece 5 estrelas com certeza.
By xfearbiox on Aug 21, 2017, Brazil

The App did what I need to have it done specifically. I have to comment on the support. It was prompt and precise. You can’t ask for more. Thank you.
By BuffTR on Aug 16, 2017, USA