Customer Reviews of To M4A Converter - Page #4

flac -> m4a 용으로 최고에요

5 star rating

방식도 간편하고 태그 정리 해놓은것도 인코딩 이슈없이 잘들어가서 매우 좋습니다.

By 토끼린 on Apr 02, 2019, Korea, Republic Of

Nützlich aber teuer!

5 star rating

Die App macht genau was sie soll und das sehr gut, ist aber (wie ich finde) doch recht teuer… Aber gut, einmal gekauft und ich kann das .wav iTunes Chaos für immer beerdigen

By MrSchwanzuslongus on Feb 24, 2019, Germany


5 star rating

Excellent little program and perfect for transforming a flac to itunes mp3a. Thanks

By Subject4000 on Feb 03, 2019, UK

Works great! And Fast too!

5 star rating

Needed it to convert a file, too less than i could blink for it to be done. Great app.

By Pleased :) on Dec 08, 2018, UK

Got Mojave - Get This App

5 star rating

This is a welcome addition to my MacBook Pro. Get all the bells and whistles as it makes conversion to Apple music a snap.

By Nick09345098203948 on Dec 05, 2018, USA


5 star rating

Exactly as advertised. Simple to use and fast as can be. Well done.

By jasonwiener on Nov 22, 2018, USA

Molto buona.

5 star rating

Cercavo il modo di convertire flac per importare in iTunes, mantenendo la qualità al livello massimo possibile. Ho provato una decina di soluioni con diversi settaggi e penso di aver trovato quello che cercavo. Impostando AAC LC - Average - 512 - 44100 le dimensioni si riducono di un terzo, ma la qualità è pressochè identica; nemmeno con l’analizzatore di spettro si notano differenze dall’originale. Non la valuto 5 stelle solo perchè, anche caricando un file alla volta, continua a propormi la versione a pagamento. Sono molto soddisfatto. Grazie allo sviluppatore per aver messo a disposizione gratuitamente un’applicazione così ben fatta!

By VecchioAlbert on Nov 17, 2018, Italy


5 star rating

I had a bunch of files to convert for itunes from my old Windows and Linux machines as I’ve been consolidating and downsizing. The app gathered all 500+ WMA and OGG files and tore through them in about 3 minutes! Everything went well, imported correctly and I’m back to normal. If you think of it, maybe add an option (unless I missed it) to automatically delete the original files instead of making the user do it manually. Other than that, it was fantastic! Highly recommended for this task.

By RebornJumpman on Nov 08, 2018, USA


5 star rating

Uno de los pocos programas con el que puedo convertir audio a M4a (AAC) en Alta Calidad (320kbps CBR). Llega perfecto a 22Khz al analizarlo con Spek. Otros soft cortan en 20Khz o ms abajo. Adems mantiene todos los Tags del Flac o Wav original, incluso el Cover (otros lo pierden).

By Dario Freije on Nov 05, 2018, Argentina

Very user friendly indeed!!

5 star rating

Very user friendly indeed!! would recommend this app to my friends

By JojojojoChan on Oct 01, 2018, Hong Kong

Simple and effective

4 star rating

Gets the job done and seems to run one conversion per core (if you are batching) at the same time which is nice.

By Mik_222 on Sep 13, 2018, UK