Customer Reviews of To MP3 Converter - Page #3
MP3 Converter

Having recorded church organ music on an I phone if m4a format I needed to convert 600 files to MP3 to play on a music system This was so easy particularly when I realised I culd batch convert. Excellent easy to use tool
By All Saints Sedgley on Dec 09, 2023, UK
Simple and Easy

No nonsence app coverst perfectly and does not bother you with unwanted menus and option. I have used it happily for many years to convert music from my iTune Music tomy car's audio.
By AHG5376 on Dec 04, 2023, Belgium
MP3 Converter works great!

This app has helped me so much in converting files for a project for both myslef and a friend. It is so easy to use and works flawlessly. Thanks so much!
By SFJonesy on Jul 18, 2023, USA
Simple, powerful and reliable

Easy to use, I drop my files into the window and within seconds the files are converted and reaady to go. I tried other online options, but there was always some kind of limitation or loss of quality. Not with this one. Highly recommended.
By Nigel O on Jul 12, 2023, Australia
Best out

Wow! This mp3 converter actually works well! I processed my downloaded mp3’s from my chromebook & was able to process them as mp3 files & now there on my iTunes!
By Rolls91 on Jul 06, 2023, USA
Great for prepping audio for radio

I use the To MP3 Converter to take audio for a radio out of Davinci Resolve. The video sound track for our program gets a final audio normalization and converted to the format the radio station wants.
By ElroyCat on Feb 03, 2023, USA

This App is so great. Used the free version for years. Finally spent the money to do multipule songs at once. It is so fast and well worth the money. highly recomend the pro version.
By Norse girl on Jan 30, 2023, USA
Love This App!

I'll keep the review simple and to the point. I LOVE this app because its easy to use and covert my WMA files into MP3's. It is pretty much plug and play when it comes to how easy you do this. Just click to covert the files. I've been using the app for years and very happy with it. I'd highly recommend it for those who need conversion in the most simplest of ways.
By ChrisAtl5 on Jan 17, 2023, USA
mp3파일을 애플뮤직으로

정말 좋은 앱이라고 생각합니다. 다운 받은 mp3파일을 애플뮤직에서 듣고 싶었는데 맥으로 했을 때 바로 애플뮤직으로 옮겨 지더라고요. 하지만 이게 왜 맥에서만 쓸 수 있는 앱인지 너무 아쉽습니다ㅠㅠ 아이폰 버전으로도 꼭 나왔으면 좋겠어요. 정말 좋은 앱인것은 틀림없습니다..
By meaaaaru on Jan 06, 2023, Korea, Republic Of

Veloce, di qualità, semplice con decine di formati audio, ti permette di convertire intere cartelle con pochi clic. Grazie a chi rende disponibili queste applicazioni gratis.
By Bloodrock on Jan 01, 2023, Italy
Amazing software

Thank you so much. It works incredibly well, it's userfriendly and fast to use. Best thing is that I can drag and drop folders and it'll store the files in the same folders.
By HappierUser on Dec 22, 2022, South Africa