Customer Reviews of To MP3 Converter - Page #32


5 star rating

I’m a full time professional musician. This is a very intutitive program for converting my own midi files into performance ready backing mp3 tracks. Great job!

By pianomanjoe2011 on Nov 04, 2015, Canada

Quick and Easy

5 star rating

THANK YOU for saving me with an extremely quick and easy solution to a problem I was having with files that were converted to WMA but I needed to open on my Mac.

By Mrs Rains on Oct 31, 2015, USA


5 star rating

Spent $37.99 on a different file converter only to be bitterly disappointed. This one is a third the price and does exactly what is says it should, INCLUDING retaining the original file names. Money well spent.

By U2 fail on Oct 10, 2015, Australia

So muss es sein!

5 star rating

Ich habe ein Tool gesucht, mit dem ich schnell und ohne viel Herumeierei m4a-Dateien in mp3s umwandeln kann. Und genau das tut dieses Programm in einfachster Weise. Man macht ein paar Grundeinstellungen, und dann kann man einfach die betreffenden Dateien auf das Programmfenster ziehen, der Rest geht von selbst. Klar kann man so etwas auch mit kostenlosen Programmen wie z.B. Audacitiy machen, aber nicht so einfach und in nur einem Arbeitsgang wie hier. Super Sache - vielen Dank an den Autor!

By Christoph Spengler on Oct 02, 2015, Germany

carísima y te obliga a suscribirte

4 star rating

La app es genial en cuanto hace perfectamente lo que te ofrece, funciona de maravilla; el defecto es que te obliga a suscribirte… con pago mensual… !!! y si no la desactivas te cobra cada mes (4 euros). Osea si te compensa porque trabajes convirtiendo si te sirve

By Eanc on Sep 25, 2015, Spain


5 star rating

Simplemente arrastras tus archivos de video o audio y te convierte en pocos segundos una cancin a mp3. Luego haces click en un botn para mandarla a iTunes. Sencilo! Puedes convertir varios archivos a la vez. Muy recomendable esta aplicacin.

By Felopz on Sep 23, 2015, Mexico

I bought it for the conversion from mp4 to mp3

5 star rating

Absolutely works great for this purpose. Very quick and easy. Now I can listen to my Spanish lessons unstead of having to keep the video player on...

By pwbrewer on Sep 16, 2015, USA

Это то, что я искал!

5 star rating

Хороший конвертер, прост в использовании, отличается от других аналогов тем что умеет конвертировать вложенные в папках файлы. Это то, что мне было нужно. Конвертировал всю библиотеку itunes из m4a в mp3. Теперь могу слушать музыку на обычном mp3 плеере без проблем. Интерфейс только английский, хотелось бы увидеть русский язык, но это не критично. Стоит отдельно отметить бесплатность, многие конверторы берут деньги за возможность конвертировать множество файлов за раз.

By capitantonyb on Sep 13, 2015, Russia

Fast and Easy!

5 star rating

It took me a while to find something as flawless as this program, I tried to go cheap with the free versions but there’s nothing like this program, it really gives you tons of options to convert your audio files. If your looking for a program that can convert your audio files fast and easy with no crashes; get this one.

By Tragic4life on Sep 07, 2015, USA


4 star rating

Offre exactement ce qu’il prétend pouvoir faire, il est cependant approprié d’ajouter Tag Editor pour modifier les noms de fichiers car les lecteurs MP3 d’automobile ne sont pas tres performants avec les noms de fichiers. tag editor est gratuit et fonctionne tres bien

By paramedox on Aug 30, 2015, Canada

Easy to use just make sure you cancel subscription before you are charged again

5 star rating

The app was fast and did exactly what i wanted. I paid the dollar so I could do folders instead of just one song. All was great but the only thing is once you sign up you have to cancel before month end or it charges you again. I think they should have explained how to do this or at least where to go. After digging i found out it is through your Itunes account and not through the app. Just go into your Itunes account and you will easily see where to cancel. Other than making me search for an answer, the app was great, and faster than the other one I had tried earlier.

By MAH6 on Aug 29, 2015, USA